Our Team.
We are always looking for motivated students to carry out their Master or Bachelor thesis and their semester projects in our group. Check our project and open positions section
Our motto: We advocate for inclusion, equality, and respect. We support core values such as open scientific communication and teamwork spirit.
Current Members
Jose Vazquez Fojo
Ph.D. candidate,
​Reconfigurable and signalling GUVs via external actuation.
Dr. Cristian Villalobos
Out-of-equilibrium GUVs
Collab with Prof. Adela Saric

Antonio Rubio
Visiting PhD, Collaboration
with Dr. M.A. Fernández-Rodríguez (U. Granada)

Sarika Chelur
​Collective motion and non-reciprocal interactions of enzymatic colloids.

Ana-Belén Bonhome
Visiting Postdoc.
Collaboration with Dr. Laura Rodríguez Arco (U. Granada)
Active Droplets.

Jared Huzar
Visiting PhD
Collaboration with Prof. G Tikhomirov (UC Berkeley)